A chronological list of publications, including links to the pdfs. If you have trouble accessing a paper, you can check our Europe PMC page, or you can request a pdf copy at brainbeliefs.fgb@vu.nl
Horoz, N., van Atteveldt, N., van Lier, P. A., Houweling, T. A., Oude Groeniger, J., van Lenthe, F. J., … & Buil, J. M. (2024). Context matters: Norm salience toward aggression moderates the association between parental education and childhood aggressive behavior development. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 01650254241279794. Open Access.
Brummelman, E., van Atteveldt, N., Wolf, S., & Sierksma, J. (2024). Using social and behavioral science to address achievement inequality. npj Science of Learning, 9(1), 44. Open Access.
Grootjans, Y., Harrewijn, A., Fornari, L., Janssen, T., de Bruijn, E. R. A., van Atteveldt, N., Franken, I. H. A. (2024). Getting closer to social interactions using electroencephalography in developmental cognitive neuroscience. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 67. Open Access.
Xenidou-Dervou, I., van Atteveldt, N., Surducan, I. M., Reynvoet, B., Rossi, R., & Gilmore, C. (2024). Multiple number-naming association: How the inversion property affects adults’ two-digit number processing. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(4). Open Access.
Altikulaç, S., Janssen, T. W. P., Yu, J., Nieuwenhuis, S., & van Atteveldt, N. (2024). Mindset profiles of secondary school students: Associations with academic achievement, motivation and school burnout symptoms. British Journal of Educational Psychology. Open Access.
Beck, J., Chyl, K., Dębska, A., Łuniewska, M., van Atteveldt, N., & Jednoróg, K. (2024). Letter-speech sound integration in typical reading development during the first years of formal education. Child Development. Open Access.
Vu, T. V., Scharmer, A. L., van Triest, E., van Atteveldt, N., & Meeter, M. (2024). The reciprocity between various motivation constructs and academic achievement: a systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Educational Psychology. Open Access.
Nieuwenhuis S, van der Mee DJ, Janssen TWP, Verstraete LLL, Meeter M and van Atteveldt NM (2023) Growth mindset and school burnout symptoms in young adolescents: the role of vagal activity as potential mediator. Front. Psychol. 14:1176477. Open Access.
Liu, M., Vu, T., van Atteveldt, N., & Meeter, M. (2023). Testing the Reciprocal Effect between Value of Education, Time Investment, and Academic Achievement in a Large Non-Western Sample. Journal of Intelligence, 11(7), 133. Open Access.
Tsai, Y. H., Janssen, T. W., Vu, T. V., Meeter, M., van Atteveldt, N. M., Jansen, B. R., & Magis-Weinberg, L. (2023). Trajectories of early adolescents’ perceptions of school motivation and effort during the pandemic in Perú: A four time point longitudinal observational study. Acta Psychologica, 239, 103984. Open Access.
Benneker, I., Lee, N. C., Altikulaç, S., van der Veen, C., Krabbendam, L., & van Atteveldt, N. (2023). The reported effects of neuroscience literacy and belief in neuromyths among parents of adolescents. Journal of Science Communication, 22(2). Open Access.
Janssen, T. W. P., & van Atteveldt, N. (2023). Coping styles mediate the relation between mindset and academic resilience in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomized controlled trial. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 6060. Open Access.
Nieuwenhuis, S., Janssen, T. W., van der Mee, D. J., Rahman, F. A., Meeter, M., & van Atteveldt, N. M. (2023). A Novel Approach to Investigate the Impact of Mindset and Physiology on the Choice to Invest Effort During an Arithmetic Task. Mind, Brain, and Education. Open Access.
Benneker, I. M., Lee, N. C., & van Atteveldt, N. (2023). Mindset and perceived parental support of autonomy safeguard adolescents’ autonomous motivation during COVID-19 home-based learning. npj Science of Learning, 8(1), 4. Open Access.
Sijtsma, H., Lee, N. C., van Kesteren, M. T. R., Braams, B. R., van Atteveldt, N. M., Krabbendam, L., & van Buuren, M. (2023). The effect of incorrect prior information on trust behavior in adolescents. Neuropsychologia, 179, 108423. Open Access.
Janssen, T. W., & van Atteveldt, N. (2022). Explore your brain: A randomized controlled trial into the effectiveness of a growth mindset intervention with psychosocial and psychophysiological components. British Journal of Educational Psychology. Open Access.
van Atteveldt, Nienke (2022). Leren of presteren? Hoe neurowetenschap, onderwijs en maatschappij te verbinden. Inaugural speech, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, April 8, 2022. Link to digital book & Watch the speech here.
Janssen, T.W.P, Nieuwenhuis, S., Altikulaç, S., Meeter, M., Bonte, M., Jansen, B.R.J., Magis-Weinberg, L., & van Atteveldt, N. (2022). Mindset and effort during a self-adapted arithmetic task: Variable-and person-oriented approaches. Learning and Motivation, 80, 101840. Open Access.
de Kraker-Pauw, E., van Wesel, F., Krabbendam, L., & van Atteveldt, N. (2022). Students’ beliefs about the nature of intelligence (mindset). Journal of adolescent research, 37(4), 607-636. Link to free full text.
Horoz, N., Buil, J. M., Koot, S., van Lenthe, F. J., Houweling, T. A., Koot, H. M., & Van Lier, P. A. (2022). Children’s behavioral and emotional problems and peer relationships across elementary school: Associations with individual-and school-level parental education. Journal of School Psychology, 93, 119-137. Open Access.
Bonte, M., & van Atteveldt, N. (2022). Capturing developmental brain dynamics. npj Science of Learning, 7(1), 1-2. Open Access.
Duraiappah, A.K.*, van Atteveldt, N.M.*, Buil, J.M., Singh, K. and Wu, R. (2021). Reimagining Education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment, Summary for Decision Makers (SDM). New Delhi: UNESCO MGIEP. *Indicates co-first authorship. SDM can be downloaded from the ISEEA website.
Naumann, S., Byrne, M. L., de la Fuente, A., Harrewijn, A., Nugiel, T., Rosen, M., van Atteveldt, N. & Matusz, P. J. (2022). Assessing the degree of ecological validity of your study: Introducing the Multidimensional Assessment of Research in Context (MARC) Tool. Mind, Brain, and Education. Open Access (early view).
Janssen, T. W. P., Grammer, J., Bleichner, M. G., Bulgarelli, C., Davidesco, I., Dikker, S., Jasińska, K. K., Siugzdaite, R., Vassena, E., Vatakis, A., Zion-Golumbic, E., & van Atteveldt, N. (2021). Opportunities and limitations of mobile neuroimaging technologies in educational neuroscience. Mind, Brain and Education, 15(4), 354-370. Open Access.
Janssen, T. W. P., Nieuwenhuis, S., Hoefakker, J., Gligoor, P. D. D., Bonte, M., & van Atteveldt, N. (2021). Neural correlates of error-monitoring and mindset: back to the drawing board? PLOS ONE 16(7): e0254322. Open Access. [Link to the Data]
van Atteveldt, N., Vandermosten, M., Weeda, W., & Bonte, M. (2021). How to capture developmental brain dynamics: Gaps and solutions. npj Science of Learning. 6, 10. Open Access. [Behind the paper blog]
Vu, T. V., Magis-Weinberg, L., Jansen, B. R. J., van Atteveldt, N., Janssen, T. W. P., Lee, N. C., van der Maas, H. L. J., Raijmakers, M. E. J., Sachisthal, M. S. M., & Meeter, M. (2021). Motivation-achievement cycles in learning: A literature review and research agenda. Educational Psychology Review, 1-33. Open Access.
Duraiappah, A., van Atteveldt, N., Asah, S., Borst, G., Bugden, S., Buil, J. M., … & Vickers, E. (2021). The International Science and Evidence-based Education Assessment. npj Science of Learning, 6(1), 1-4. Open Access. [Behind the paper blog]
van Atteveldt, N., Janssen, T. W. P. and Davidesco, I. (2020). Measuring brain waves in the classroom. Frontiers for Young Minds, 8:96. Open Access.
van Atteveldt, N., Peters, S., De Smedt, B., & Dumontheil, I. (2020). Towards greater collaboration in educational neuroscience: Perspectives from the 2018 Earli‐SIG22 conference. Mind, Brain, and Education, 14(2), 124-129. Open Access.
Janssen, T. W. P., van Atteveldt, N., & Oosterlaan, J. (2020). Error and post-error processing in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: An electrical neuroimaging study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 131: 9, 2236-2249.
de Kraker-Pauw, E., van Wesel, F., Krabbendam, L., & van Atteveldt, N. (2020). Students’ beliefs about the nature of intelligence (mindset). Journal of Adolescent Research, DOI-0743558420967113. (Link to accepted version)
Atteveldt N, Tijsma G, Janssen T, & Kupper F. (2019) “Responsible Research and Innovation as a novel approach to guide educational impact of cognitive neuroscience”. Mind, Brain & Education, 13 (4). Open Access.
Altikulaç, S., Bos, M. G. N., Foulkes, L., Crone, E. A., & van Hoorn, J. (2019). Age and gender effects in sensitivity to social rewards in adolescents and young adults. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 13, 171. Open Access.
Altikulaç S, Lee NC, van der Veen C, Benneker I, Krabbendam L, van Atteveldt N. (2019). “The Teenage Brain: Public Perceptions of Neurocognitive Development during Adolescence”. Journal of cognitive neuroscience 31 (3), 339-359. (Link to PDF)
van Atteveldt N, van Kesteren MTR, Braams B, Krabbendam L (2018). “Neuroimaging of learning and development: improving ecological validity”. Frontline Learning Research Vol 6 No. 3 Special issue 186 -203. (OPEN ACCESS – Link to PDF, and audio file of the abstract on soundcloud:)
Plewko J, Chyl K, Bola Ł, Łuniewska M, Dębska A, Banaszkiewicz A, Wypych M, Marchewka A, van Atteveldt N, Jednoróg K. (2018). “Letter and Speech Sound Association in Emerging Readers With Familial Risk of Dyslexia”. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12:393. (OPEN ACCESS – Link to PDF)
Janssen, T. W., Heslenfeld, D. J., van Mourik, R., Geladé, K., Maras, A., & Oosterlaan, J. (2018). “Alterations in the ventral attention network during the stop-signal task in children with ADHD: an event-related potential source imaging study”. Journal of attention disorders, 22(7), 639-650. (Link to pdf at Sage Publishing)
De Kraker-Pauw E, van Wesel F, Krabbendam L, van Atteveldt N (2017). “Teachers’ mindsets on malleability of intelligence and appraisal of achievement in the context of feedback”. Frontiers in Educational Psychology, 8:1594. (Link to pdf at Frontiers in Psychology)
Schuijer JW, de Jong IM, Kupper F, van Atteveldt NM (2017). “Transcranial Electrical Stimulation to enhance cognitive performance of healthy minors: A complex regulatory challenge”. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11:142. (Link to pdf at Frontiers in Psychology)
Janssen, T. W., Bink, M., Weeda, W. D., Geladé, K., van Mourik, R., Maras, A., & Oosterlaan, J. (2017). “Learning curves of theta/beta neurofeedback in children with ADHD”. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 26(5), 573-582. (Link to pdf at Springer)
Janssen, T. W. P., Hillebrand, A., Gouw, A., Geladé, K., Van Mourik, R., Maras, A., & Oosterlaan, J. (2017). “Neural network topology in ADHD; evidence for maturational delay and default-mode network alterations”. Clinical Neurophysiology, 128(11), 2258-2267. (Link to pdf at Science Direct)
Gentile F, van Atteveldt N, de Martino F, Goebel R. (2017) “Approaching the ground truth: Revealing the functional organization of human multisensory STC using ultra-high field fMRI”. The Journal of Neuroscience, 37(42):10104-10113.
Ten Oever S, Schroeder CE, Poeppel D, van Atteveldt N, Mehta AD, Mégevand P, Groppe DM, Zion-Golumbic E. (2017) “Low-frequency cortical oscillations entrain to subthreshold rhythmic auditory stimuli”. The Journal of Neuroscience, 37(19):4903-4912.
Vander Heyden K, van Atteveldt N, Huizinga M and Jolles J. (2016) “Implicit and Explicit Gender Beliefs in Spatial Ability: Stronger Stereotyping in Boys than Girls”. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1114. (Link to pdf at Frontiers in Psychology)
Ten Oever S, Romei V, van Atteveldt N, Soto-Faraco S, Murray MM, & Matusz PJ. (2016) “The COGs (context, object, and goals) in multisensory processing”. Experimental Brain Research, 234(5):1307-23. (Link to pdf at Springer)
Ten Oever S, Hausfeld L, Correia JM, van Atteveldt N, Formisano E, Sack AT (2016). “A 7T fMRI study investigating the influence of oscillatory phase on syllable representations”. NeuroImage, 141:1-9.
Holloway I*, van Atteveldt N*, Blomert L, Ansari D. (2015) “Orthographic dependency in the neural correlates of reading: Evidence from audiovisual integration in English readers”. Cerebral Cortex, 25(6):1544-53. *These authors share equal contribution. (Link to pdf at Oxford Academic)
Hanssen E, van der Velde J, Gromann P, Shergill S, de Haan L, Bruggeman R, Krabbendam L, Aleman A, van Atteveldt N. (2015) “Neural correlates of reward processing in healthy siblings of patients with schizophrenia”. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9:504. Open Access.
Ten Oever S, van Atteveldt N, Sack AT.(2015) “Increased Stimulus Expectancy Triggers Low-frequency Phase Reset during Restricted Vigilance”. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(9):1811-22.
van Atteveldt N, Musacchia G, Zion-Golumbic E, Sehatpour P, Javitt D & Schroeder C. (2015) “Complementary fMRI and EEG evidence for more efficient neural processing of rhythmic vs. unpredictably timed sounds”. Frontiers in Psychology. 6:1663. Open Access.
van Atteveldt NM, van Aalderen-Smeets SI, Jacobi C, Ruigrok N. (2014) “Media reporting of neuroscience depends on timing, topic and newspaper type”. PLoS One. Aug 12;9(8):e104780. Open Access.
van Atteveldt NM, van Aalderen-Smeets SI, Jacobi C, Ruigrok N. (2014) “Hoe schrijven Nederlandse kranten over hersenonderzoek?” Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 158: A8324.
van Atteveldt N, Murray MM, Thut G, Schroeder C. (2014) “Multisensory integration: flexible use of general mechanisms”. Neuron, 81 (6): 1240-1253.
van Atteveldt N & Ansari D. (2014) “How symbols transform brain function: a review in memory of Leo Blomert”, Trends in Neuroscience and Education. 3 (2): 44-49.
van Atteveldt N, Peterson B, Schroeder C. (2014) “Contextual control of audiovisual integration in low-level sensory cortices”. Human Brain Mapping, 35(5):2394-411.
Ten Oever S, Schroeder CE, Poeppel D, van Atteveldt N, Zion-Golumbic E. (2014) “Rhythmicity and cross-modal temporal cues facilitate detection”. Neuropsychologia, 63:43-50.
Before 2014
Ten Oever S, Sack AT, Wheat KL, Bien N, van Atteveldt N. (2013) “Audio-visual onset differences are used to determine syllable identity for ambiguous audio-visual stimulus pairs.” Frontiers in Psychology; 4:331.
van Atteveldt NM, Blau VC, Blomert L, Goebel R. “fMR-adaptation indicates selectivity to audiovisual content congruency in distributed clusters in human superior temporal cortex” (2010). BMC Neuroscience; 11:11.
Blau V, Reithler J, van Atteveldt N, Seitz J, Gerretsen P, Goebel R, Blomert L. (2010) “Deviant processing of letters and speech sounds as proximate cause of reading failure: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of dyslexic children”. Brain; 133(Pt 3):868-79.
Froyen D, van Atteveldt N, Blomert L. (2010) “Exploring the Role of Low Level Visual Processing in Letter-Speech Sound Integration: A Visual MMN Study”. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 4:9.
Goebel R & van Atteveldt N. (2009) “Multisensory functional magnetic resonance imaging: a future perspective. Experimental Brain Research;198(2-3):153-64.
van Atteveldt N, Roebroeck A, Goebel R. (2009) “Interaction of speech and script in human auditory cortex: Insights from neuro-imaging and effective connectivity” Hearing Research,258(1-2):152-64.
Blau V, van Atteveldt NM, Ekkebus M, Goebel R & Blomert L. (2009) “Defective neural integration of letters and speech sounds links phonological and reading deficits in adult dyslexia.” Current Biology, 19(6):503-8.
Froyen DJ, Bonte ML, van Atteveldt N, Blomert L. (2009) “The Long Road to Automation: Neurocognitive Development of Letter-Speech Sound Processing.” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(3):567-80.
Blau V, van Atteveldt N, Formisano E, Goebel R, Blomert L. (2008) “Task-irrelevant visual letters interact with the processing of speech sounds in heteromodal and unimodal cortex.” European Journal of Neuroscience, 28(3): 500-509.
Froyen D, van Atteveldt NM, Bonte M, & Blomert L. (2008) “Cross-modal enhancement of the MMN to speech sounds indicates early and automatic integration of letters and speech sounds.” Neuroscience Letters, 430(1): 23-8.
van Atteveldt NM, Formisano E, Goebel R, & Blomert L. (2007) “Top-down task effects overrule automatic multisensory responses to letter-sound pairs in auditory association cortex.” NeuroImage, 36(4): 1345-1360.
van Atteveldt NM, Formisano E, Blomert L, & Goebel R. (2007) “The effect of temporal asynchrony on the integration of letters and speech sounds.” Cerebral Cortex, 17(4): 962-974.
Amedi A*, von Kriegstein K*, van Atteveldt NM*, Beauchamp MS*, & Naumer MJ.* (2005) “Functional imaging of human crossmodal identification and object recognition.” Experimental Brain Research, 166 (3-4): 559-571. *All authors share equal contribution.
van Atteveldt N, Formisano E, Goebel R, & Blomert L.(2004) “Integration of letters and speech sounds in the human brain”. Neuron, 43: 271-282.